Get Paid to Study at ICBS France! 

Build your Career with Us!

ICBS France is here to help you turn your aspirations into reality by offering outstanding apprenticeship programs. At ICBS France, “Get Paid to Study” is not just a motto—it’s a commitment to our students’ success.

We bridge the gap between academia and industry, providing a vibrant, supportive, and enriching environment for you to thrive in. Whether you’re starting your academic journey or looking to enhance your professional trajectory, ICBS France is where your future begins

Why Choose Paid Apprenticeships? 

Earn While You Learn

Our paid apprenticeship programs offer students the unique opportunity to earn a salary while gaining invaluable on-the-job training alongside their academic studies. This means less financial stress and more focus on what matters—your future. 

Real-World Experience

With ICBS France, your classroom extends into the real world. Apprenticeships are with leading companies across various industries, ensuring you gain relevant, hands-on experience that enhances your resume and boosts your employability. 

Seamless Transition to Professional Life

By integrating academic learning with professional practice, our students are better prepared for the realities of the job market. Many of our apprentices receive full-time job offers from their host companies upon graduation. 

Personal and Professional Growth

Apprenticeships help develop critical workplace skills such as teamwork, communication, and problem-solving. You’ll not only advance academically but also grow personally and professionally, setting a strong foundation for your career. 

Support and Guidance

At ICBS France, you’re never alone. Each apprentice receives dedicated support from both the academic and professional mentors, ensuring a balanced and successful dual-track education. 

Dynamic Learning Framework

At ICBS France, we believe that alternance is essential to cultivate practical skills while integrating you into the professional world. Our goal is to shape a dynamic learning framework where you can solidly assimilate theory while practically applying it within our partner companies. 

Our Apprenticeship Programs: 

At ICBS France, we offer a comprehensive range of apprenticeship programs in various fields, including: 

Business Studies 

Project Management 

Human Resources 

Applied Data science and AI 

No matter your area of interest, we have the tools and resources to help you excel and stand out in the job market.

Still Have Questions

Join Our Weekly Webinar!

Are you curious about our ICBS Apprenticeship Program but still have questions lingering in your mind? We’re here to provide all the answers you need!

Join our weekly webinar, every Tuesday 4PM Paris Time, where we dive deep into the details of our program and address any queries you might have.

Have questions or need more information? Feel free to reach out to us on WhatsApp at +33 1 89 19 55 16. We’re here to assist you every step of the way!

Ready to Take Action? 

Don’t miss this opportunity to propel your career to new heights!

Contact us today to learn more about our apprenticeship programs, admission criteria, and the next steps to join the ICBS France family. Together, we can turn your professional dreams into a fulfilling reality. 

Join us at ICBS France and prepare to experience an unforgettable apprenticeship that will open doors to a promising future!